Hey, I’m Kelly. And I am delighted that you’re here.
Here at Ritual Care, our take on taking care of yourself is a little different than you might be used to. (And that’s a good thing.)
I started Ritual Care over 10 years ago, inspired by my own self-care story. My care helped me recover from burnout, retire from my career as a corporate lawyer in New York City, and start loving the hell out of my life. It also led me to the work I’m here to do in this world: help you love your life (and yourself), too.
In my world…
1. SELF-CARE ISN’T A TREAT | Here’s what no one tells you: taking care isn’t a “treat” you have to earn. True care is a daily practice based on much bigger principles, like authenticity, boundaries, courage, wisdom, and resilience—life-long results that feel way better than temporary relief (although you get that, too. Double bonus!). Your self-care reflects the relationship you have with yourself. Your rituals are how you nurture it.
2. THERE IS ALWAYS TIME | We all want more hours in the day—but what we need is guilt-free permission and priority. There is always time to take care of the most important things. You, love, are a most important thing.
3. BEING GOOD TO YOURSELF IS AS IMPORTANT AS BEING A GOOD MOTHER (OR OTHER) | When you are good to yourself, it’s good for everyone else. Your care has a positive correlation to your relationships with others—your children, your partner, your colleagues, your clients, your barista.
4. CHAOS IS THE PERFECT PLACE TO PRACTICE | Most people have a knee-jerk reaction to “get rid of” stress—but you can’t build resilience or learn to be calm if everything is always easy. Chaos is a part of peace. Your stress can be your superpower.

Off-Topic Topics
✵ I’m a “married single” mama to 3, bonus mom to 3, wife and expat, raising my babies in a bi-continental, bicultural blended family.
✵ My children are my happy place. I saw each of them in visions before they were conceived. I love my family and friends, but my babies are truly my three favorite people on the planet.
✵ I’ve always lived in and loved the city. But after 3 exhausting years of living between Washington DC and Paris, I made a spontaneous-but-intuitive choice to move to the countryside. Now, I live in my dream home in a tiny French village…and I couldn’t be happier.
✵ I’ve been obsessed with birth and postpartum since I was 9 years old… but then became an business lawyer. After 6 years of corporate law, I spent a year traveling around the world – teaching kids yoga, studying birth work, and becoming a mahout riding elephants in Thailand. After returning home, I sat at my parents’ kitchen table, and started my first business on a sticky note: a private yoga practice with pre- and postpartum niche. It lasted for 8 years.
✵ I’ve been a neuro nerd since college, when I completed my undergraduate thesis under the brilliant Stephen Porges, who created the Polyvagal Theory. I’m also super woo-woo, and love energy, chakras, and moon cycles. Today, I teach with a multidisciplinary approach that blends intuitive healing, bodywork, and brain science basics.
✵ My favorite food is chocolate cake. But my default meal is always a big-a** salad.
✵ I am freakishly good at functioning while exhausted, holding the light during dark times, and choosing the perfectly-sized container for any amount of leftovers.
✵ I am the worst at going to bed on time, anything related to eyeshadow, and losing my phone approximately 15 times a day.
✵ I rarely watch TV, but my go-to “in the background” series is Scandal, on repeat. And I’ve seen every season of Homeland. Twice. In two languages.