Home » Mom Stress » To Those Who Need a Real “Thank You”…

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To Those Who Need a Real “Thank You”…

I was just sitting here, in awe of all the magic fairies in my house, and all that they do.

They fold the never-ending piles of laundry. They put dirty dishes from the sink into the empty dishwasher. They spend an hour on hold with the cable company, and apply Band-Aids to baby knees. They potty train, paci wean, and negotiate with toddlers (the best negotiators ever). They listen to the podcasts, and even decide what’s for dinner.

Oh, what a minute. That’s all ME! And I know it’s you, too.

We are the caretakers.

The ones who do the invisible labor – the stuff that needs to be done, that no one else does, and always seems to fall on our shoulders.

It’s a lot to give. And without a lot of gratitude. But don’t worry…

You are seen. You are supported. You are not alone.

For all that you do, I offer this:

Thank you.

Thank you for every thing, each and every day. For the work, the energy, the laughter, the tears, the effort, the strength, the vulnerability.

Thank you for the love. The kindness and patience you give to your babies, partner, friends, family, colleagues, strangers.

There may be someone out there who isn’t thanking you… so I am. Forgive them. Move forward. Breathe deeply. Releasing judgment opens up space to receive nourishment.

And now it’s your turn to share the care.

Choose someone to receive your grace. Hug. Send a card. Say thank you, too. This is a sort of “self-care share” – something that you extend to others, but that also fills your emotional bank account with abundance.

Compassion is a happiness multiplier, and this is one practical way to make it real.

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