Home » Care Rituals » Are You Overcomplicating This? Simplify Yo’self.


Are You Overcomplicating This? Simplify Yo’self.

Today I’m sharing a {self} care mantra that can add more ease to your week, no matter what the situation.

It’s helped every client I’ve shared it with and, personally, it’s a mantra that I myself use all the time.

And here’s the little-known secret behind why this saying is in my personal care kit >> I have a gift for overcomplicating just about everything.

Keeping things simple is just not my jam. Clearing out my mind’s chaos is a daily practice that’s evolved over time.

It got a lot easier a few years ago, when my dear friend Jenny shared a short, catchy phrase she’d been using while writing her latest book: “Let it be easy, let it be fun.”

The point? Maybe it doesn’t have to be so difficult. Maybe we can opt for ease instead.

And that’s when things started changing…

I felt my brain began to relax. A space inside of me cleared, the tight grip of time pressure loosened, creativity flowed back in. Let it be easy, let it be fun.

As moms, it’s easy to obsess with details, and spend hours figuring out the best choice.

(Just think of how much time you spent on stroller research…or reading Amazon reviews of something that cost $12. No judgment, girl.)

When we overcomplicate simple decisions >> they feel exhausting >> everything else feels harder. Let it be easy, let it be fun.

I still have to practice letting go of mental clutter… but it’s so much easier with ritual reminders.

You can take care right now by spending 10 seconds filling in the blank to this sentence:

Right now, I might be making ______________ a lot harder than it has to be… and I’m open to a simpler option.

Then, notice what can you pare down, clear out, simplify — to feel ?

Let it be easy, let it be fun. Today.

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I find the courage to be more and more and more of
