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3 Ways to Sneak More Care Into Your Morning

If there’s one question I get as a self-care educator for moms, it’s how to find time for self-care in the middle of mom life.

And here’s my favorite flavor of this:

“How can we sneak self-care into our day?”

Because asking how we “sneak” self-care in implies that we’re doing something that maybe we shouldn’t be.

Our kids “sneak” toys into bed.

Our partners “sneak” a peek at the score of the game while we’re talking.

We “sneak” the extra cookie.

But self-care — especially as a mother — isn’t something we have to sneak. It’s something we need to shine.

Your care something you can do confidently.

It’s something you can share with other mothers, to encourage them to do it confidently, too.

And triple bonus: it’s something you can model for your kids, so they have this essential skill set throughout life.

Of course, as mamas, we’re so busy with day-to-day life that it leaves little time for ourselves — hence the idea of “sneaking” it in. But mom life is actually full of chances for care rituals… even in the morning.

But your morning is already jam-packed, right? How could you POSSIBLY fit self-care into it?

It’ll vary depending on your current routine, but here’s why this is so key: having more care in the morning equals less stress for everyone.

Here are 3 ways to give yourself some extra light, right in the middle of your mom morning:

  1. Pre-morning prep. Lay out everyone’s clothes. Set out the shoes (and socks!!). Put the schoolbags in front of the door, with all the things in them. “Share Your Care with Your Kids” by having them watch or help you, and explaining the more care = less stress connection.
  2. Make breakfast the night before. Hello, overnight oats! I use a basic overnight oats combo of 1/3 old-fashioned oats, mixed with  1 cup homemade cashew milk, 1 tblsp nut butter, 1 tblsp chia seeds, and chopped dates. Stir it all together in a small mason jar or an old jam jar, and it’s good for a few days in the fridge. This is another great Self-Care Share; kids are great at stirring.
  3. Multitask your movement. Of course, the results may not be the same as a dedicated exercise session — but you’ll still get results. Take a 60-second plank pose as soon as you roll out of bed, while you’re considering going back to sleep. Try holding a goddess pose (a deep plie squat) the entire time you and your babies are brushing your teeth. Get into boat pose and squeeze your abs while you’re putting on face cream. You get the idea.
  4. The ole’ classic: get up 10 minutes earlier. And do not hit snooze.

Of course, you can try all kinds of care rituals that fit into your mom morning. Last week, I simply switched drop off times for my kids (dropping off my daughter first and my son second). It made that day’s schedule less stressful, and gave me an unexpected, sweet walk-in-the-sunshine with my little boy — full of mama-son moments that I treasure.

Find unexpected magic through your morning, too.

Tiny tweaks can help you take care, even in the most surprising circumstances.

And that’s the gold that makes your life feel rich.

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