Home » Care Rituals » Episode 148. Happy Hormones: The Hidden Secret of Self-Care

Episode 148. Happy Hormones: The Hidden Secret of Self-Care

In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about one of my favorite topics, happy hormones. It always gets me excited to talk about the brain science behind self-care: the why’s of what’s happening with our body. And how the brain tells us that what we’re doing is actually working.

Now, this topic may be too scientific but what I want to focus on is finding the motivation to keep going. That motivation is found in our brain’s built-in reward system.

Let’s get into the juicy stuff.

[01:34] How finding focus on the results of our care serve as motivation to keep doing it.

[02:25] A brief description of what really happens in your brain when you take care of yourself and something that feels good.

[03:37] I discuss the four main happy hormones – dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins.

[07:12] How the immediate results brought about by happy hormones help us create habits and rituals that, eventually, get us to reach our long-term goal of being more present in our lives.

Self-care isn’t about having immediate relief. It has a long-term goal of being resilient and having a feeling of relief. And this doesn’t just happen. It requires a lot of practice and creating a habit of it. Sometimes understanding the basis of how self-care works is just the push that moms need to create this ritual.

I hope you find your focus in this episode. Keep practicing!

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