- All
- Care Rituals
- Care with Kids
- Mom Stress
- New Motherhood
- Self-Care and the Nervous System
Episode 163. The Sleep Secret That Could Save Your Sanity
Ever meet a parent who said they weren't tired? Sleep deprivation is [literally] wearing us out, and wearing us down. I know what it’s like, trust me. And all parents ...
Episode 153. These 2 Words Are Magic When You’re Overwhelmed
Ever find yourself overwhelmed, nervous, anxious, spinning, too busy, any or all of the above? Meet your new 2-word best friend - a mantra that will carry you through some ...
Episode 152. What is Polyvagal Theory… and Why Should Moms Care?
If you're a mom who feels that self-care is a little too woo-woo, then this episode is perfect for you. It's about another topic that excites me: Polyvagal Theory and ...
Episode 151. Struggling with New Mom Anxiety? PPA is the New PPD
You may have already heard about postpartum depression - but how much do you know about postpartum anxiety? It may be even more common... and can affect moms way after ...
Episode 150. It’s Official: Stress Made You Eat That Chocolate Cake
Ever wonder why it's SO hard to resist junk foods when you're stressed? Today we're talking about my favorite "chocolate cake" study, how it helps reveal the answer to our ...
Episode 149. Calling Bullsh** on “I Don’t Have Time”
Today we’re talking about time, and how it’s the biggest excuse we use for not taking care of ourselves. Of course, we understand the reasons. Small people take up a ...
Episode 148. Happy Hormones: The Hidden Secret of Self-Care
In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about one of my favorite topics, happy hormones. It always gets me excited to talk about the brain science behind self-care: the why’s ...
Episode 147. Self-Care Isn’t Radical
Today’s topic is sparked by something that happened to me. I was invited to do a presentation in a self-care retreat. I wanted to talk about chaos in motherhood and ...
Episode 146. Yes, Showering IS Self-Care
Showering is not self care - do you agree? I see a slew of articles saying this lately, and I disagree. They say that these are basic activities that we ...
Episode 145. Care Ritual Practice: Permission to Be Here Now
This episode is about what busy mothers like you need, a time out. So I want to give you permission to take this moment out of the everyday, run-of-the-mill chaotic ...
Episode 144. The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Mom Brain
Like me, I know that there are moms out there who are not fans of working out. You may be surprised to hear that from me - a former yoga ...
Episode 143. Wine Mom Culture: Is It Self-Care or an Unhealthy Addiction?
Motherhood has always been stressful. Now, it's become even more so not just inside motherhood but outside in the world. I’m seeing more mothers joining what is sometimes called the ...
Episode 142. How to Turn Mom Guilt Into Mom Gold
Today’s topic tackles one of the most common “problem areas” for mothers - mom guilt. We can feel guilty about a lot of stuff - what we do, or don't ...
Episode 141. Saying “Yes” to Yourself by Saying No
We all know we need good boundaries... but we're not so good at setting them by saying "no." The word no strikes fear in the heart of many mothers because ...
Episode 140. How to Explain Self-Care to Your Partner
It's hard enough to find time to take care of yourself each day, isn't it? And it gets even harder when you feel like you have to justify it to ...
Episode 139. Independent Play Essentials for More Me Time
In the last episode, we talked about how essential independent play (or "IP" for short) is to your own care. I also reviewed how to stay on track as add ...
Episode 138. Independent Play is a “Me Care” Power Move
'Ever feel like no matter how hard you try, your self-care seems to always get interrupted? Even when your child is "playing on their own?" Grrrr! What’s a mom to ...
Episode 137. Should I Quit Quarantine… or Just “Enjoy Every Moment?”
If there’s one thing that every mom knows, it’s decision fatigue (well, fatigue generally - but that’s another story). And one of the biggest decisions moms are facing right now ...
Episode 136. The Great White Wellness Gap (and Where We Go From Here)
Shocked. Horrified. Paralyzed. This is how many women describe their feelings about America's recent revolutionary uprising against racism. If you're White, this may be especially true - because it feels ...
6 Mindset Shifts to Make When You Feel Like You Can’t Do Another Day
** This post was originally a guest post published at The Everymom ** As I write this, I feel like I can’t do another day. As a result of the ...
Episode 135. Creating Shimmers In Chaos
How can we find light, goodness, and joy in the middle of chaos? Step by step, moment by moment, shimmer by shimmer. Today we'll talk about the concept of shimmers, ...
Episode 134. Recreating the Ritual of Mother’s Day
This weekend, much of the world is celebrating a weird version of Mother’s Day in social isolation. With most countries still in lockdown, let’s face it: we aren’t all going ...
Episode 133. Death by 1000 Tiny Cuts
Why do some days feel so hard, even when nothing's "really wrong?" Here's why: the small stuff matters, even when you think it shouldn't. And acknowledging our feelings about these ...
Episode 132. 3 Guilt-Free Ways to Ask for the Help You Need, NOW
Asking for help DOES NOT come naturally to most of us. Why? Because we want to look like we're coping. That we're these magical unicorn mamas who always have their ...
Episode 131. Surrender: The Secret Superpower to Not Losing Your Sh**
Fifteen years ago, I was in my mid-twenties going through an incredibly difficult time. I was in a successful job that I secretly knew I didn’t want anymore, in physical ...
13 Healthy Ways to Release Pressure Before You Pop
Take a moment. Breathe in. Breathe out. We're all going through some tough stuff right now, but we can do this. 100%. We're living through COVID-19 anxiety, and as I ...
My Daily Schedule with a 5- and 3-Year Old
As of the time of this writing, we're in the middle of this COVID-19 global pandemic scare. But it doesn't have to be a global pandemic. What we're going to ...
Episode 124. Dealing with Anxiety and Overwhelm During Covid-19
First, take a big, deep breath. We're gonna' talk about the hard stuff, but I promise, it's not gonna' be all bad. So keep reading... By now, every mom knows ...
My Top 6 Tools for Accidental Homeschooler Moms (2020 Edition)
Have you fallen into homeschooling, and find yourself feeling lost? As an accidental "part-time" homeschooler myself, I know how overwhelming it can all feel at first. But have courage -- ...
3 Ways to Sneak More Care Into Your Morning
If there's one question I get as a self-care educator for moms, it's how to find time for self-care in the middle of mom life. And here's my favorite flavor ...
Are You Overcomplicating This? Simplify Yo’self.
Today I'm sharing a {self} care mantra that can add more ease to your week, no matter what the situation. It's helped every client I've shared it with and, personally, ...
6 {Practical} Self-Care Tools I Can’t Live Without
If there's one thing I love, it's tools that make life easier, +more efficient = more ENJOYABLE. I'm talking about planners, task delegation, routines... all components of sanity-saving mom systems. ...
Beyond the Surface: My Post-Baby Body + Mind Transformation
I’m one of “those” women who lost the baby weight quickly. Case in point: the {never before shared} photos above. The left is me, exactly 2 weeks from giving birth. ...
How I’m Upgrading My Self-Care Game (Hint: You Can Too)
Today I went on a walk with my family in the forest near our home here in Provence, except there was one huge difference. We walk often (well, as often ...
Finding Time & Staying Calm with Ritual Care
** This post was originally published at Belabumbum by its author, Caitlin Kruse. The following is a repost of my interview with Caitlin. ** If you’re a mom with young ...
Mamas Don’t Get Sick Days (but This Might Help You Get Better)
Ever notice how we, as mothers, tend to get sick at the WORST TIME? That's because there really is no good time to be sick when you're a mama. The ...
How to Create Calmer Mornings with ‘Cues of Safety’
'You ever find yourself yourself feeling stressed in the morning, but you're not really sure why? Those days when you can't seem to shake the "small" stuff? There's some intuitive, ...
Maybe It’s Them, Not You
Ever have one of those days where you feel like you're doing all the right things, but nothing is actually going right? AKA classic motherhood? You remember to change the ...
We Aren’t Meant To Do This Alone
I’m going to tell you all something that you just may have a hard time believing, but I swear it’s true… Did you know, that even in the middle of ...
Really Bad Day? Do this Next.
Have you ever had one of those days (nights? weeks? months?) where nothing seems to work out? A really, really just bad day? This happens to me (and, in my ...
Say Buh-Bye to the Scary, No Good, Dreaded Imaginary Deadline
I'm a highly emotional person, which means diving into the natural highs and lows, the contrasts of life - and while contrast isn't always fun, it is an incredible teacher. ...
Quick Self-Care Is Better Than No Self-Care
I have a quick tidbit of self-care for you today because, in fact, "quick" is the kind of self-care I'm rockin' lately. Quick because, "inbox zero" feels impossible when you're ...
Sometimes It Feels Like Your Self-Care Isn’t Working… But Keep Going
It's time we talk about one of my all-time favorite topics... When you find time and energy to do your self-caring... but then it just doesn't work. It happens to ...
Knowing Your Personal Style Can Be the Key To Less Stress
Did you know there are different styles of stress? Do you know which one you exhibit when times get tough? Do you know why it matters so much? I’ve been ...
Try This Strategy to Survive Mom Triage Mode
Want a quick run-down on the science behind self-caring? Now, I'm not gonna' lie - it's hard to keep it super quick - this stuff gets complicated. Heart rate variability, ...
Bonding With Baby #1 When Baby #2 (or #3!) Comes Along
Just the other day, I was sitting at the table, watching my toddler and my baby interact. They've started to have "conversations" over meals, and it's absolutely hysterical. I've loved ...
When Little Lies Become BIG Little Lies All Too Easily…
Just the other day, I was chatting with one of my CORECARE mamas, when she made a confession. She said someone had invited her family to a church event, and her ...
The Ultimate Form of Self-Care? Letting Go of What Others Think
There's a hot new self-care trend out there this season - and unlike most trends, I am here. for. all. of. it. Because I believe it's the best (and maybe only) ...
Stop Focusing On Exercising and Weight… Just Move The Way You Wanna
It's time we chat about physical exercise and what exactly a “movement mindset” is, because guess what? There is some undeniable science about how it can be a serious game-changer ...
Change Can Be Really, Really Good So Let’s Start Embracing It… With Your Inbox
If you've been here for a while, you know I've had my fair share of major moves in the past couple years. After three years of being a "single married ...
When Everything Falls Apart, Remember This
Ever been working on something for months... and then just have it all fall apart? Well, happened to me recently. It was no one's fault, no one specific thing, no ...
Choose You. It’s As Simple As That (Even If It Isn’t Always Easy).
Last time I was in the French Alps, I had a bit of a situation (if you read this post, you know the French Alps aren't exactly my happy place). ...
Mom Systems Run My World
I travel frequently with my tiny humans, often times to amazing places. Case in point: the French Alps. And I know this is going to sound a bit odd or ...
Why I Hate {the Term} ‘Self-Care’ – VIDEO
Press play below to watch the quick 60-second snapshot and learn why I, even as a self-care teacher, hate the term.
It Can Feel Magical, But Even Self-Care Can’t Take Away All Bad Days
Ever have one of those days where you're doing everything "right", practicing all sorts of self-care rituals, but not exactly feeling all those great benefits? Are you wondering what you ...
To Those Who Need a Real “Thank You”…
I was just sitting here, in awe of all the magic fairies in my house, and all that they do. They fold the never-ending piles of laundry. They put dirty ...